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Gondal Road, Rajkot - 360002
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Fenugreek seeds yields both a herb and a spice. India & Egypt are Primary countries of origin.
The name fenugreek seeds or foenum-graecum is from Latin for “Greek hay”. The plant’s similarity to wild clover has likely spawned its Swedish name: “bockhornsklöver” as well as the German: “Bockshornklee”, both literally meaning: “ram’s horn clover”.
Fenugreek seeds helps to control type I and II diabetes.
It reduces high serum cholesterol.
This seed is known to relieve constipation
It can be prescribed to nursing mothers to increase their milk production.
Since fenugreek seeds contain chemicals (diosgenin and estrogens isoflavones) similar to the female sex hormone estrogen, it is considered as a potent menstruation promoter. It also minimizes symptoms of menopause.
Fenugreek seeds sprouts can be incorporated in your salads to help minimize these problems.
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